Tuesday, 15 December 2009


Double Page Spread

Front Cover

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in progression from it to the full product?

Since doing the preliminary task i have learnt many things. Apart from learning how to use software such as photoshop i have learnt how to take a effective photograph by finding out about the 2/3's rule. Also i have followed the conventions of magazines by analysing successful magazines. I could then use there ideas and incorporate them onto my magazine to see if it would give the same effect.
I have also learnt more about the publishing of magazine including publishing companys and how they are distributed to the audiences.
I have also learnt how to represent certain groups more effectively by looking at the stereotypes and using this a plan for what i want the image or text to represent.
Finally i have also learnt about how to write a double page spread which can relate the audience. I did this by analysing other double page spreads and finding out informal language was a trend. Also information about the artist/band was given in an order like : Background , interview, discography, future.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

While making my magazine i have learnt how to use new technology effectively to complete a task.
This includes firstly learning how to use a camera effectively. I learnt about the 2/3's rule meaning the picture shouldnt be takin the centre as peoples attentions seems to drift away from this area. This helps me take a good picture to feature in my magazine.
To create the content for the magazine i have been using Photoshop Elements. This software was completely new to me therefore i had to learn of some of the features before using it this included going on internet tutorials. Once i had learnt how to use this software effectively i was able to manipulate images to suit the magazine. Also i learnt how to fill backgrounds, make text, and edit images like cropping certain sections out and rubbing parts out.

Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

The target audience for this magazine is mainly for people who are fans of indie music and rock music. It also features other types of genres such as rap and pop which can be seen on the puffs but the main genre is indie.
I believe the main audience will be male but some women may decide to purchase the magazine. I think mainly only men will buy this magazine because they are suited more to the rock/indie genre of music. While many females prefer pop music.
I also believe this magazine could suit from teenagers to adults as the text in it is informative but is also informal which may suit the younger audience.
Other reasons why the audience may be enticed are the puffs showing other features in the magazine. As well as competitions and free giveaways to entice the audience in to wanting to buy the magazine more.
The audiences needs my have been addressed by using fonts, styles and language which they can associate with. For example the headline on my magazine may be seen as humourous to some of the audience. The language being informal in the double page spread may also attract the audience who arent wanting to read a formal story.
I have also found out what the audience wanted by conducting a questionaire and polls to find out what their opinion on music magazines are and what makes them want to purchase them.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer Media Group is a publishing company mostly known for creating magazines such as Kerrang and Mojo. These are both rock/indie music magazine. Therefore i think if my magazine were to be published it would suit being done by Bauer Media Group as they have vast amounts of experience when creating this genre of magazines.
Using these would allow them to use their expertise to help create my magazine into a worldwide brand just like Kerrang and Mojo. Bauer Media Group would already be able know what the target audience would expect in a magazine of this genre therefore i believe they would be a reliable publishing company.


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The rocker/ indie group in media are represented as rebels especially the rockers. They are seen as dark and hateful people. When making my magazine although i have tried to make the images look rebellious i tried to remove this stereotype of what people have of rockers with them being hateful, violent and dark.
My magazine represents mainly indie bands. This can been seen with the headline and the name of band sounding like its from the indie scene. However i believe the image on the front page represents the indie scene mostly. I think this because the photo is of someone who looks like a stereotypical indie/rocker. This can be seen with the stereotype of rockers having long dark hair. He is also wearing clothes which may present him as indie too with the checkered scarf and the cardigan covering the shirt. Also wearing the headphones represents his love for music.
The dark background may also represent the rock/indie genre with it being seen as stereotypical dark music.
The double page spread may further emphasise the indie/rock genre with the main image being taken inside of a subway which is seen as a dark and vulnerable place. The person on the image is also wearing all black and a leather jacket. This shows the stereotype of a rockers image also with the long black hair.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My magazine front cover follows the conventions of a popular magazine by having the mast head at the top in large, bold writing which is coloured red to contrast against the black background. This follows the conventions of a usual magazine because usually the mast head is the focal point of the magazine.
Underneath the mast head it’s got all the magazine information underneath it including the issue number, date and price. This is also a convention in a magazine as it is vital for magazine to tell the buyer information about the magazine.
The headline on the magazine is also written in large bold writing. This stands out against the black background and the red writing helps it stand out. In a popular magazine the headline normally contrasts against other colours and is the largest part of the front cover apart from the mast head.
As well as this headline the front cover has a puff on it telling the viewer what else is featured in the magazine. My puff says "50 greatest song of 2009" as well as this being a usual convention and feature in a magazine it further entices the viewer to purchase the magazine. The writing in for this puff is in usual font size but is coloured yellow/gold this is to show represent it as an award.
Another puff is all the other artists that are featured in the magazine this is listed across the side. This follows the conventions of other magazines by telling the viewer what else is going to be featured in the magazine.
The picture on the front cover follows the conventions of magazines because its a picture of part of the band that is on the headline. This is a convention of music magazines as they show a picture of there headline act on the front cover.
My double page spread includes a large photo of one of the bands artists. This image is a convention as on a double page spread they will show a artist/members of a band amongst the text.
The writing on the double page spread is seperated into four columns. This is a convention as music magazine often feature text written in columns. The text is also informal as its a interview with the band so i decided to use slang and other informal grammer/words. This is a convention of music magazines because the articals are often written so the audience can connect with the band.
Around the double page spread are puffs giving the audience notable quotes from the article. This is a convention in music magazines to show the audience what the article may be about and give them memorable parts of their interview.
The contents page follows the conventions of a typical music magazine by having a list of what is featured in the magazine. Giving notable pages which the audience may be intrested in looking at. I also featured a editor choice which is seen is some magazines giving it more of a professional image.