Tuesday, 15 December 2009

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My magazine front cover follows the conventions of a popular magazine by having the mast head at the top in large, bold writing which is coloured red to contrast against the black background. This follows the conventions of a usual magazine because usually the mast head is the focal point of the magazine.
Underneath the mast head it’s got all the magazine information underneath it including the issue number, date and price. This is also a convention in a magazine as it is vital for magazine to tell the buyer information about the magazine.
The headline on the magazine is also written in large bold writing. This stands out against the black background and the red writing helps it stand out. In a popular magazine the headline normally contrasts against other colours and is the largest part of the front cover apart from the mast head.
As well as this headline the front cover has a puff on it telling the viewer what else is featured in the magazine. My puff says "50 greatest song of 2009" as well as this being a usual convention and feature in a magazine it further entices the viewer to purchase the magazine. The writing in for this puff is in usual font size but is coloured yellow/gold this is to show represent it as an award.
Another puff is all the other artists that are featured in the magazine this is listed across the side. This follows the conventions of other magazines by telling the viewer what else is going to be featured in the magazine.
The picture on the front cover follows the conventions of magazines because its a picture of part of the band that is on the headline. This is a convention of music magazines as they show a picture of there headline act on the front cover.
My double page spread includes a large photo of one of the bands artists. This image is a convention as on a double page spread they will show a artist/members of a band amongst the text.
The writing on the double page spread is seperated into four columns. This is a convention as music magazine often feature text written in columns. The text is also informal as its a interview with the band so i decided to use slang and other informal grammer/words. This is a convention of music magazines because the articals are often written so the audience can connect with the band.
Around the double page spread are puffs giving the audience notable quotes from the article. This is a convention in music magazines to show the audience what the article may be about and give them memorable parts of their interview.
The contents page follows the conventions of a typical music magazine by having a list of what is featured in the magazine. Giving notable pages which the audience may be intrested in looking at. I also featured a editor choice which is seen is some magazines giving it more of a professional image.

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